
Pastors Roger and Tammy Adkins

God Birthed a Vision . . .

Pastor Roger Adkins is a 1994 graduate, and Pastor Tammy Adkins is a 1995 graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. God birthed the vision of a church in Iowa while they were still living in Oklahoma. In 1995 Pastors Roger and Tammy moved back to Iowa, and in September of 1997 began their ministry.

Pastor Roger is passionate about the word of God and reaching those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Roger comes from the manufacturing work field to the Lord’s work field with a gift for teaching and equipping Christians with the tools needed to live a fulfilling, and blessed life according to the word of God.

Pastor Tammy leads the Helps and Children’s ministries. Pastor Tammy has a heart for cultivating a loving body of Christ that works together to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Passionate about righteous living and being a light for others.


Passionate About God's Word and Reaching Others for Christ​

Pastor Roger, at a very young age slipped away from his mother while his older siblings were gathering the cows for milking on the small farm they lived on. The gate was left open and with young Roger running through, one of the cows got spooked.  The cow didn’t see him and trampled him by accident. Roger’s mother saw him get stepped on by the cow.  When she got to Roger, he was lifeless as his horrified mother picked him up. In her words she described as a wet dishrag hanging in her hand, a visible hoof print in his small chest showing massive chest trauma.  Seeing the helpless situation, she held him up before the Lord and telling the Lord that he’s your now, but if you let him live I will give him to you.  She then hurriedly called the kids together to rush to the hospital approximately 30 minutes away.

With Roger’s mother praying all the way for his life, Roger sat up in the seat after approximately 15 minutes.  After being checked out by the doctor, the hoof print still on Roger’s chest, the doctor said you have a miracle here he should be dead.  Pastor Roger’s mother who is in heaven didn’t tell Pastor Roger this full story until he asked her one day, “did you ever figure your middle son to be a preacher”, she answered by saying I always knew you would and told the story to him.

Pastor Tammy’s mother became pregnant with her 3rd child, and while marriage tensions were going on, deciding on divorce, and not wanting to go through the stress of having another baby she tells the story of thinking the right thing to do was to abort her baby.  On the way to the abortion clinic, and not knowing the Lord at the time, she heard a voice to not do this.  Not being sure what she heard, the voice got louder as she was almost to the clinic, so she stopped and listened.  Do not go through with this!  Then she changed her course believing she heard a divine voice. She changed her mind and kept her baby, When she saw her baby girl for the first time she said: “This is my angel baby”.

Years went by and the farm was sold.  Roger’s family moved to the small town of Lockridge, Iowa.   Then a few years later Tammy’s family moved to Lockridge, and Roger’s mother became Tammy’s mother’s Avon lady.  Because of their mothers, they met because of God’s amazing Grace!

Pastors Roger and Tammy have recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. Both attended Rhema Bible College.

God has given them both a heart of compassion for the lost and for the sick. God has anointed them with a ministry to the sick.

Many people have been ministered to in their travels and in the local church.  Always giving God the glory, preaching that Jesus is the Savior, healer, deliverer, and very soon coming King!


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